Books.  I own hundreds.  They are an essential  reference  for my working life.  I regularly dip  into this particular shelf full when  creating  the  floral designs, ornamental and productive borders  for the King and Thai restaurant in Broseley.


On Tuesday,  flowers cut from the garden included.

Emerging  young   hosta leaves can be  used in a stir fry.  Fennel is  a great culinary flavour enhancer  with a sweet aniseed flavour.  Or as a central table  arrangement.


Day lily flowers, can be stuffed and fried; with their crunchy texture they have the flavour of mangetouts followed by a peppery aftertaste. Marigold petals with their tangy flavour can be added as a garnish on a salad.

Lavender  (can be used to flavour both savoury dishes and desserts) with  Crocosmia ( which has no culinary use).  Orange and purple  are described  as complementary colours, which creates for an intense visual  experience. This  was  further enhanced  by the decor of the dining room.



Monbretia, Eryngium  and Verbena bonariensis against a frosted window.


With my  original training  being in Landscape Architecture   I consider each floral arrangement as all my garden and border designs where form follows function without ornamentation.  Or  in other words – the simpler the better.